Due to climate change, the earth's atmosphere is heating up more and more. As a result, the air transports more moisture and rainfall increases. At the same time, rain clouds move more slowly and thus rain more concentrated. As a result, floods are becoming more extreme and threatening more and more people.
Rain is one thing, runoff is another. Surface sealing, or soil sealing, prevents precipitation from penetrating the sealed surface, so water runs off superficially, overloading the sewage system and causing flooding.
Among other things, the city of Aalen is focusing on the renaturation of its rivers and streams for flood protection streams. In the event of major floods, however, settlements must be protected with technical facilities such as the Dürrwiesen retention basin on Gartenstraße, which was put into operation in 2010 and is well integrated into the landscape.
The Dürrwiesen retention basin and impoundment was created for flood protection. The backwater area can be visited on the first part of the Aalen Sustainability Trail and serves as a recreational and sports area as well as a valuable biotope.
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